In the late 1800's, Worley Creech felt God impress upon his heart the need for a church in his community. After praying about it, and with the help of his brother and apprentice, they cut the logs and built the church on his own land. Since that time, it has been the church's desire to reach out to our community, make the GOSPEL known, to offer Christian fellowship, and to minister to those in need. God calls all of HIS BODY, the church, to minister to this world (Matt. 28:18-20). We are learning to do just that, although we may sometimes stumble in the process. But we know that God does not necessarily called the qualified, but qualifies the called. That is our prayer, that HE will continue to draw us to HIMSELF and to "qualify" us to do the work of HIS ministry. What a joy it is to participate in that ministry. Every age group in our church seems to be growing in a GOD-given desire to minister. This desire has led us to seek the LORD in expanding our ministries. One such area is our AWANA children's program, which ministers to children ages 2-High School. Over the past few years, children and parents of children involved have come to know CHRIST as their personal SAVIOR and LORD. That excites us and spurs us on in our other ministries! We would love for you to join us as we seek to FELLOWSHIP with and follow the Lord and obeying His command to go and be His witnesses throughout the world (Acts 1:8).