Bethany Missionary Baptist Church
To view Live Stream Sunday Morning worship services at 10:45am, please click the Facebook Icon below. You can also search Bethany Missionary Baptist Church in Kenly on Facebook. Click the "LIKE" button to follow future videos.

Address: 8980 Old Beulah Rd.,
Kenly, NC 27542
Church Phone:919-284-2036
Pastor: Daniel Arant
Email: [email protected]
Church Email: [email protected] or [email protected]
Address: 8980 Old Beulah Rd.,
Kenly, NC 27542
Church Phone:919-284-2036
Pastor: Daniel Arant
Email: [email protected]
Church Email: [email protected] or [email protected]

We are still taking donations for Backpack Buddies. Items needed are things like Roman noodles, mac-n-cheese, canned fruit, ravioli, etc....
Backpack Buddies have begun & we are taking donations. If you can help deliver to GKE on Friday mornings, sign up on the bulletin board.
*Sunday, Feb. 16th-Awana Grand Prix workday! Bring your car to work on during Awana.
*Friday, Feb. 21st- Sunday, Feb. 23rd-Women’s Retreat to Fort Caswell!
*Sunday, March 2nd-Awana from 4-5:00pm. Awana Grand Prix at 5:00-6:00pm in the FLC. This is a FREE event. Snacks and drinks will be provided. Be sure to pick up your car kit from Jennifer Johnson.
*Sunday, March 9th-Children will be going to church library.
*Monday, March 10th-WMU meeting at 7:00pm.
*Thursday, March 6th-Senior League outing to Easter Show at the Rudy Theater at 12:15pm.
*Saturday, March 22nd-The children's ministry will be hosting Senior Adult Bingo from 11:30-1:30pm. Lunch will be provided. Please sign up on the FLC bulletin board.
*Saturday, March 29th-Bethany Fire Department is having their annual BBQ & BBQ chicken plate fundraiser from 11:00am-until. Tickets will NOT be sold. First come, first served until plates sell out.
*Saturday, April 19th-Easter Egg Hunt from 11am-2:00pm.
If you have any questions, please call the church office at 919-284-2036.
Here are a few websites that may be useful to you and your family.
On this site is a radio program called ONE DAY CLOSER, that Pastor Daniel & his father, Pastor George Arant, do each Saturday at 12pm Noon. You can join them each Saturday on 1090 AM or 105.5 FM
This page has free children's ministry lessons, games, crafts, messages, & more.
This ministry is designed to help parents discover new ways to be intentional in fulfilling the Great Commission at home and in their communities.
This is the website of The Baptist State Convention of North Carolina. On it, are a variety of resources, articles, and information on a wide array of ministries.
Find answers to life's hard questions. This site provides answers from a Biblical worldview.
On this site is a radio program called ONE DAY CLOSER, that Pastor Daniel & his father, Pastor George Arant, do each Saturday at 12pm Noon. You can join them each Saturday on 1090 AM or 105.5 FM
This page has free children's ministry lessons, games, crafts, messages, & more.
This ministry is designed to help parents discover new ways to be intentional in fulfilling the Great Commission at home and in their communities.
This is the website of The Baptist State Convention of North Carolina. On it, are a variety of resources, articles, and information on a wide array of ministries.
Find answers to life's hard questions. This site provides answers from a Biblical worldview.

Service Opportunities
Sunday Schedule
Sunday School @ 9:45am (Easter/Resurrection Sunday 8:45am)
Worship @ 10:45am (Easter/Resurrection Sunday 9:45am)
AWANA 4-5:30pm Ages 2-High School
Monday Schedule
WMU meets 2nd Monday of Each Month @ 7:00 in the FLC
Wednesday Schedule
Adult Choir @ 6pm (2nd and 4th Wednesday)
Youth Praise Band @ 6pm (1st and 3rd Wednesday)
Bible Study @ 7pm in the Sanctuary
Middle & High School Youth @ 7pm in the FLC
Children's Ministry @ 7pm in the Educational Building
Senior League- 11:00am-12:00pm in the FLC
1st Thursday of the month, Senior League goes out to eat
-Card ministry meeting every 2nd Thursday of the month @ 10:00am
Sunday Schedule
Sunday School @ 9:45am (Easter/Resurrection Sunday 8:45am)
Worship @ 10:45am (Easter/Resurrection Sunday 9:45am)
AWANA 4-5:30pm Ages 2-High School
Monday Schedule
WMU meets 2nd Monday of Each Month @ 7:00 in the FLC
Wednesday Schedule
Adult Choir @ 6pm (2nd and 4th Wednesday)
Youth Praise Band @ 6pm (1st and 3rd Wednesday)
Bible Study @ 7pm in the Sanctuary
Middle & High School Youth @ 7pm in the FLC
Children's Ministry @ 7pm in the Educational Building
Senior League- 11:00am-12:00pm in the FLC
1st Thursday of the month, Senior League goes out to eat
-Card ministry meeting every 2nd Thursday of the month @ 10:00am
Here are some additional resources to help with discipleship & evangelism. You may use these resources to help you read through the Bible, help share your testimony with someone, and to instruct you on how to have personal Bible study time with the Lord.
*Melba Carroll Shoe Closet - If you would like to donate to the shoe closet for children in need, you can bring your new children's shoes to the church! They will be distributed to the local elementary schools for children in need of them.
*Children's Church is available for children ages 4 - 5th Grade during the Sunday morning worship service.
*Backpack buddies is in need of items. Backpack Buddy school delivery takes place throughout the school year.
*Keep checking this website, as we are always updating it with news & information and also posting resources.
*Each Sunday at 10:45am we will be LIVE streaming our worship service on our Church Facebook page. You can look up the page by searching @BMBC116 on If you would like a CD/DVD of a service, please call the church office or the pastor.
*If you do not feel comfortable to attend services at this time but would like to send in your tithes and offerings, you may drop off your tithes during the week or mail them to 8980 Old Beulah Rd. Kenly, NC 27542.
*Melba Carroll Shoe Closet - If you would like to donate to the shoe closet for children in need, you can bring your new children's shoes to the church! They will be distributed to the local elementary schools for children in need of them.
*Children's Church is available for children ages 4 - 5th Grade during the Sunday morning worship service.
*Backpack buddies is in need of items. Backpack Buddy school delivery takes place throughout the school year.
*Keep checking this website, as we are always updating it with news & information and also posting resources.
*Each Sunday at 10:45am we will be LIVE streaming our worship service on our Church Facebook page. You can look up the page by searching @BMBC116 on If you would like a CD/DVD of a service, please call the church office or the pastor.
*If you do not feel comfortable to attend services at this time but would like to send in your tithes and offerings, you may drop off your tithes during the week or mail them to 8980 Old Beulah Rd. Kenly, NC 27542.

Prayer List
Church Ministries -Church Vision, School system, Church Renewal Wknd, Our Country, Israel, Awana
Health Concerns & Loss of Loved Ones -Floyd Watkins (health), Shannon Chapman (cancer), Michael Weaver (cancer), Larry (health) & Phyllis (cancer surgery) Stallings, Gerald Coley (health), Robert Parker (broken hip), Thomas Toole (hospice), Polly & Ronnie Mayfield (health), Danny Toole (cancer), Dennis Toole (health), Leroy Toole (health), Ethan Bryant (cancer), Jeremy Denning (cancer), Journi (12 yr. heart transplant recovery), Mark White (surgery), Jim Rattie (hip), Teresa Young (health), Pete(health) & Louise (back pain) Bizzell, Lou Davis (health), Freddy Hudson (cancer), Vicki Finch (cancer), Alice Meadows (hip pain), Jean Creech (back pain), Wayne Mozingo (knee surgery), Anita Dakin (GI/MRI’s), Matthew Dakin (hope), Max Fitzgerald (cancer), Sam Duffee family, Mox Fitz-Gerald (cancer), Patti Lazowski (CT results), Roberta Walker (heart), Hava Mock (cancer, dau. of CR team), Billy Hodge (health), Benjamen Rodriguez (health), Wallace Williams (health), Kevin Bunger (health), Faye Medlin (health), Grey Sasser (needs a kidney), Elbert Hollowell (health), Eddie Johnson (health), Ann Arant (health), Baptist Center Pastor Ray Carr (cancer), ALZ/DEM/ASD patients & families, shut-ins, Travelers, our Military & Veterans, Spiritual health of our nation Missionaries: *Stewart & Katrina Mexico; Willis & Elizabeth Stancil, Mexico; *Hector & Prudance Loughran, Indonesia; *Lindsey Dorn, Washington DC.; Keith & Joelle Hocutt, Ecuador; Sienna Hocutt; Portugal, Mike Woodall, Middle East; Mark & Melissa Rexroth, Central Asia; Millers, Turleys, , Chesteens & Abbey Cooke, Redemption Hill Church, Boston; Brian & Sarah Chavez, SE Asia, *-Supported by BMBC
*Stewart & Katrina Stancil, Mexico; Willis & Elizabeth Stancil, Mexico; *Hector & Prudance Loughran, Indonesia; *Keith & Joelle Hocutt, Ecuador; Sienna Hocutt; Portugal Mike Woodall, Middle East; Mark & Melissa Rexroth, Central Asia; Millers, Turleys, Chesteens & Abbey Cooke, Redemption Hill Church, Boston; Brian & Sarah Chavez, SE Asia,
*-Supported by Bethany Missionary Baptist
Church Ministries -Church Vision, School system, Church Renewal Wknd, Our Country, Israel, Awana
Health Concerns & Loss of Loved Ones -Floyd Watkins (health), Shannon Chapman (cancer), Michael Weaver (cancer), Larry (health) & Phyllis (cancer surgery) Stallings, Gerald Coley (health), Robert Parker (broken hip), Thomas Toole (hospice), Polly & Ronnie Mayfield (health), Danny Toole (cancer), Dennis Toole (health), Leroy Toole (health), Ethan Bryant (cancer), Jeremy Denning (cancer), Journi (12 yr. heart transplant recovery), Mark White (surgery), Jim Rattie (hip), Teresa Young (health), Pete(health) & Louise (back pain) Bizzell, Lou Davis (health), Freddy Hudson (cancer), Vicki Finch (cancer), Alice Meadows (hip pain), Jean Creech (back pain), Wayne Mozingo (knee surgery), Anita Dakin (GI/MRI’s), Matthew Dakin (hope), Max Fitzgerald (cancer), Sam Duffee family, Mox Fitz-Gerald (cancer), Patti Lazowski (CT results), Roberta Walker (heart), Hava Mock (cancer, dau. of CR team), Billy Hodge (health), Benjamen Rodriguez (health), Wallace Williams (health), Kevin Bunger (health), Faye Medlin (health), Grey Sasser (needs a kidney), Elbert Hollowell (health), Eddie Johnson (health), Ann Arant (health), Baptist Center Pastor Ray Carr (cancer), ALZ/DEM/ASD patients & families, shut-ins, Travelers, our Military & Veterans, Spiritual health of our nation Missionaries: *Stewart & Katrina Mexico; Willis & Elizabeth Stancil, Mexico; *Hector & Prudance Loughran, Indonesia; *Lindsey Dorn, Washington DC.; Keith & Joelle Hocutt, Ecuador; Sienna Hocutt; Portugal, Mike Woodall, Middle East; Mark & Melissa Rexroth, Central Asia; Millers, Turleys, , Chesteens & Abbey Cooke, Redemption Hill Church, Boston; Brian & Sarah Chavez, SE Asia, *-Supported by BMBC
*Stewart & Katrina Stancil, Mexico; Willis & Elizabeth Stancil, Mexico; *Hector & Prudance Loughran, Indonesia; *Keith & Joelle Hocutt, Ecuador; Sienna Hocutt; Portugal Mike Woodall, Middle East; Mark & Melissa Rexroth, Central Asia; Millers, Turleys, Chesteens & Abbey Cooke, Redemption Hill Church, Boston; Brian & Sarah Chavez, SE Asia,
*-Supported by Bethany Missionary Baptist

Infant Nursery
Newborn - 18 months
Toddler Nursery
Ages 18 months - 3 years old
-Youth Sunday (1st Sunday)
-Daddy Daughter Dance (Saturday before Valentine’s Day)
-Women’s Retreat
-Communion (4th Sunday)
-Palm Sunday-Worship Stations for Easter
-Easter Egg Hunt for Children & Community
-Easter Sunrise Service & Breakfast (Easter times - Sunrise Service 7:30am, Breakfast 8am, Sunday School 8:45, Worship Service 10:45am)
-Church Clean-up Day
-Homecoming (4th Sunday)
-Operation In As Much outreach (1st Saturday)
-AWANA Sunday Worship Service (1st Sunday)
-AWANA End of Year Celebration (1st Sunday - afternoon)
-Mother’s Day Recognition (2nd Sunday)
-Communion (4th Sunday)
-Memorial Day Sunday
-Recognition of High School & Collegiate Graduates (1st Sunday)
-Father’s Day Recognition (3rd Sunday)
-Vacation Bible School (week after 4th of July) Sunday-Thursday
-MS & HS Youth go to Summer Camp
-Communion (4th Sunday)
-Teacher Appreciation Sunday
-Sunday School Promotions (1st Sunday Children move up)
-AWANA children's program resumes (2nd Sunday)
-New Church year starts (1st Sunday)
-Trunk or Treat Outreach
-Children’s Ministry Needy Family Shopping trip
-Veteran’s Recognition Sunday
-Community Thanksgiving Service (Tuesday before Thanksgiving)
-Communion (4th Sunday)
-Hanging of the Greens (last Sun of Nov. or 1st of Dec.)
-Children & Youth Christmas Caroling
-Fruit Baskets Outreach to Community & Seniors
-Choir’s Christmas Cantata (Sunday before Christmas)
-Christmas Play and fellowship night (Sunday before Christmas)
-Youth Sunday (1st Sunday)
-Daddy Daughter Dance (Saturday before Valentine’s Day)
-Women’s Retreat
-Communion (4th Sunday)
-Palm Sunday-Worship Stations for Easter
-Easter Egg Hunt for Children & Community
-Easter Sunrise Service & Breakfast (Easter times - Sunrise Service 7:30am, Breakfast 8am, Sunday School 8:45, Worship Service 10:45am)
-Church Clean-up Day
-Homecoming (4th Sunday)
-Operation In As Much outreach (1st Saturday)
-AWANA Sunday Worship Service (1st Sunday)
-AWANA End of Year Celebration (1st Sunday - afternoon)
-Mother’s Day Recognition (2nd Sunday)
-Communion (4th Sunday)
-Memorial Day Sunday
-Recognition of High School & Collegiate Graduates (1st Sunday)
-Father’s Day Recognition (3rd Sunday)
-Vacation Bible School (week after 4th of July) Sunday-Thursday
-MS & HS Youth go to Summer Camp
-Communion (4th Sunday)
-Teacher Appreciation Sunday
-Sunday School Promotions (1st Sunday Children move up)
-AWANA children's program resumes (2nd Sunday)
-New Church year starts (1st Sunday)
-Trunk or Treat Outreach
-Children’s Ministry Needy Family Shopping trip
-Veteran’s Recognition Sunday
-Community Thanksgiving Service (Tuesday before Thanksgiving)
-Communion (4th Sunday)
-Hanging of the Greens (last Sun of Nov. or 1st of Dec.)
-Children & Youth Christmas Caroling
-Fruit Baskets Outreach to Community & Seniors
-Choir’s Christmas Cantata (Sunday before Christmas)
-Christmas Play and fellowship night (Sunday before Christmas)